Hydrogeological risk: the effect of climate and environment

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Climate changes are expected affecting weather forcings regulating the triggering and reactivation of slope movements. The influence of climate change on landslides can be different, according to the area, the time horizon of interest and the actual trends of socio-economic factors driving greenhouse gases concentration. However, even the simple identification of weather patterns regulating landslide occurrence represents a not trivial issue, also assuming steady conditions, due to crucial role played by geomorphological details.
In last years, such elements partly prevented the investigations aimed to assess how climate change influence slope stability at different temporal and spatial scales.

The CMCC Foundation, in the persons of CMCC researchers Paola Mercogliano and Guido Rianna of REMHI – Regional Models and geo-Hydrological Impacts Division, will co-organize the session β€œEffects of climate and environmental changes on landslides” (NH3.10/CL2.21) while aiming to gather test cases and investigations carried out in different geographical contexts in evaluation of ongoing and future landslide activity.
The session will take place at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018 (EGU 2018), in Vienna, Austria, on April 8-13, 2018.
More in detail, regarding the session organized by the CMCC Foundation, contributions addressing the following topics are welcome:

  • modeling of future slope stability conditions exploiting climate projections;
  • analyses of records of landslides (using both historical research or paleo-evidences) and climate variables and their combinations;
  • evaluations at different detail from slope to regional scale to global scale, considering variations in landslide occurrence, frequency, susceptibility, hazard and risk;
  • studies considering the coupled effect of environmental (e.g., land use/cover) and climate change.

For more information, visit the official EGU 2018 website.

Important dates:

The exact day of session NH3.10/CL2.21 will be decided in February. We will communicate it as soon as possible.

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