Smart Agriculture in a Climate Changing World

Food and climate change are strictly interlinked. Agriculture, food security, food production, and even our food culture: all these sectors interact with the climate system, all of them contribute in some way to the changing climate and each of them is affected by climate change impacts. While the scientific community plays a crucial role in increasing knowledge related to climate change, it is a multidimensional topic which requires the collaboration of several and different skills: policy makers, economists, experts in land-use, agriculture, water management, food, ecosystems, energy and sustainability.
Each one of the aforementioned skills can tell us a story to explain how and in which way climate change is interacting with agriculture and food related sectors and cultures, giving us some clue on future scenarios for the forthcoming years and on the Planet we are going to leave to the youngest generations.
Few weeks before the COP21 in Paris, where the international community  will gather to reach an agreement focusing on mitigation and adaptation strategies, the event is part of EXPO 2015 and it is organized by CMCC (Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change), the Italian based center that develops International research on climate change and its interactions with the environment, the society, the world of business, and policy makers.


Antonio NavarraCMCC
Riccardo ValentiniUniversity of Tuscia, CMCC, Lazio Region
Donatella Spano Italian Society for Climate Sciences, University of Sassari, CMCC, Sardinia Region
Franco MigliettaCNR IBIMET, Accademia Economico-Agraria dei Georgofili, Firenze
Francesco Ciancaleoni Coldiretti
Giuseppe Natale
Valagro S.p.A.
Chiara Pirovano
Gianluca Nardone
D.A.Re. Puglia District
Ugo Peruch
Mutti S.p.A.
Monia Santini

Moderator Laura Bettini, Radio24 – Il Sole 24 Ore

 CMCC_EXPO Smart Agriculture Sept 7th 2015


When and Where

Milano, EXPO 2015 - Padiglione della Società Civile Cascina Triulza - EXPO 2015 - Padiglione della Società Civile Cascina Triulza, Milano -

7 Sep 2015


For information:

Mauro Buonocore – [email protected] – tel. +39 0832 671060
Lucia Luperto – [email protected] – tel. +39 0832 671062

Website Organized by
  • CMCC - Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change

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