ICARUS – IWRM for Climate Change Adaptation in Rural Social Ecosystems in Southern Europe

ICARUS aims at increasing, in selected areas of Italy, Portugal and Spain, efficient water use in agriculture by analysing biophysical, socio-economic and institutional dimensions of sustainable water management and identifying innovative adaptation strategies.

Funded by
  • ISPRA - Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale

Coordinating organization
  • CMCC - Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici
  • ISPRA - Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale

CMCC Scientific Leader
CMCC Project manager
CMCC Institutes

CMCC Divisions

General aims

ICARUS aims at increasing, in selected areas of Italy, Portugal and Spain, efficient water use in agriculture by analysing biophysical, socio-economic and institutional dimensions of sustainable water management and identifying innovative adaptation strategies, practices and tools for saving water in irrigated productions systems, which could be disseminated in other Mediterranean countries.


The CMCC has stipulated a contract with ISPRA, which involves research that aims at the implementation of participatory processes and knowledge-sharing activities in the field of integrated water resources management, in line with the 2000/60/CE Directory. CMCC research will focus on the interaction between climate change and the ensuing adaptation processes in the agricultural sector, particularly in terms of irrigation management practices.

The CIP Department of CMCC will not only lead the project but also be involved in WP1, WP2, and WP5 with the activities described below.

Expected results

1 – First Progress Report, Second Progress Report, Final Report, Webpage and Electronic newsletter, Proceedings of the Kick-Off Meeting, Proceedings of the Final Dissemination Conference
2 – Report on climatic forcing variables and downscaled climate change scenarios fort he study areas for the period 2015-2030. Report on land use scenarios for the study areas for the period 2015-2030. Report on socio-economic scenarios and constraints for irrigation management for the period 2015-2030
3 – Participatory processes implemented in the case study in support of the development of shared visions and cognitive models of the problems in question; Decision support system tools; Applications to case studies.


In detail, the activities of CMCC will entail:

– To assess and monitor the execution of the global structure of the project; To establish the structure for internal and external communications; To supervise and coordinate the Kick-off Meeting, the Intermediate Assessment Meeting and the Final Dissemination Conference; To disseminate the outcomes of the project, especially trough the implementation of a home page, an electronic newsletter, the publication of papers, and of a book (WP1)
– To provide a prospective analysis of environmental and socio-economic changes through the development of macro scenarios to the period of 2015-2030, i.e. the prediction of biophysical and socio-economic variables that will represent some of the constraints for sustainable decisions concerning water management (WP2)
– To assess the identified adaptation measures and strategies to improve water management and irrigation systems through a participatory approach; to develop an ad hoc procedure and a decision support tool, derived from previous research efforts and application (WP5).

  • CMCC - Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici
  • EIA-U.ATLANTICA - Ensino, Investigação e Administração S.A. / Universidade Atlântica
  • UPV - Universidad Politécnica de Valencia - Centro Valenciano de Estudios del Riego

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