Seminario “Porting VISIR to the Atlantic”

Questo evento è disponibile solo in lingua inglese

This seminar has been scheduled at CMCC in Lecce, via Augusto Imperatore 16,  at the Ocean Lab’s premises (first floor, meeting room – h 10.30).

Charlotte Martinkus, CMCC

The purpose of this work is to develop a model that calculates the most efficient route for a vessel to take across the Atlantic Ocean. Existing software exists to perform this task, but it could be significantly improved by building on the experience gained with the open-source model VISIR-I ( [1] and the oceanographic datasets of the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (
In particular, the VISIR model has been evolved into a new code in Python and the path optimization is now solved on a non-uniform unstructured grid.
The new code will start employing the CMCC CGLORS reanalysis of ocean circulation at ¼ deg, while other relevant environmental fields will be added later on.
The new code will be used for achieving the goals of H-2020 project AtlantOS Task 8.3, which includes the capacity to compute safe routes optimizing the economic cost of navigation through use of dynamic environmental information.

[1] Mannarini, G., Pinardi, N., Coppini, G., Oddo, P., and Iafrati, A.: VISIR-I: small vessels – least-time nautical routes using wave forecasts, Geosci. Model Dev., 9, 1597-1625, doi:10.5194/gmd-9-1597-2016, 2016.

Click on the following link to join the seminar on WebEx:

When and Where

Lecce, CMCC Ocean Lab (first floor) - CMCC Ocean Lab (first floor), Lecce -

29 Jul 2016

Contacts Organized by
  • CMCC - Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici

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