ClimAfrica Final Events

The ClimAfrica Final Events will be held in Addis Ababa from the 5th to the 7th of  September, 2014 and organized by the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (IAFENT division).

The ultimate aim of the ClimAfrica project is to develop improved climate predictions on seasonal to decadal scale in Sub-Saharan Africa and assess the climate impacts on water resources and agriculture, while evaluating vulnerabilities and suggesting relevant adaptation strategies.

CMCC is the project coordinator and leads four work packages (WP) : WP2 on the improving climate predictions in Sub-Saharian Africa on seasonal to decadal climatic scales; WP5 on the socio-economic implications of climate change impacts on agriculture and water resources and the cost-effectiveness of potential adaptation measures; WP7 on the project management; and WP8 on the dissemination activities.

This is the provisional schedule of the events, more information will follow as soon as possible:

5th Sept. : ClimAfrica Stakeholders’ Workshop
6th Sept. : ClimAfrica Final Project Meeting
7th Sept. : ClimAfrica Technical working meeting

When and Where

Addis Ababa - Addis Ababa -

5 Sep 2014 7 Sep 2014

Contacts Organized by
  • CMCC - Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici, Divisione IAFENT

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