Venice Climathon 2017

Climathon is a global 24-hour climate change hackathon which will take place simultaneously in major cities around the world on 27 October 2017. It is an international event promoted by Climate-KIC. It brings together the challenges of the world’s cities with the people who have the passion and ability to solve them. Climathon attracts innovators, entrepreneurs, students and professionals to create innovative solutions to cities climate challenges.

The Challenge
Arts and Science for (Climate) Change

Venice and its lagoon represent a global symbol of coastal fragility and climate change related risks. In 100 years from now, one of the worldwide most important city on water will have to cope with sea level rise, increase frequency of heat waves and extreme events. Venice is also a big touristic hub, where local inhabitants represent a tiny share of the total daily people present in the city. Aggressive policies fostering privatization and commercial exploitation are rapidly affecting and threatening its identity, which is at risk of being modified irremediably.

At a time when climate change’s effects are taking place, the arts can inspire different ways of thinking about and engaging with the people: “people remember emotions, not facts”.

Can art and science collaborate to translate scientific facts into emotions and at the same time create innovative solutions to Venice climate challenges?

Application Deadline: 15th October, 2017

Climathon Venice will start on October 27 and will end 24h later, on October 28, with the awards ceremony of the winning group. The event will take place at the “Centro Espositivo Zitelle” CZ95 in Giudecca.

Climathon Venice is an event organised by the CMCC Foundation in collaboration with Venice Climate Lab, Municipality of Venice and Micromega Arte e Cultura.

The event is organized as follows:

27th of October from 10am to 11pm:

  • Registration and Welcome
  • Framing the challenge with artists and experts in climate projections and adaptation options
  • Lunch – Orient Experience
  • Ideation & Inspiration with the support of 2 coaches and 4 tutors
  • Working Groups
  • Dinner – African Experience
  • Energizer breaks with music played by scientist and performances

28th of October from 9:30am to 11am:

  • breakfast with music at 432hz
  • Ideas Presentation
  • Awards ceremony

 (Lunch, Dinner and Breakfast will be offered to participants – please advise the organizer committee in case of allergies or dietary restrictions)


By simply registering to this link you will get all the tools useful to get prepared for the Climathon!

The Best IDEA

The motivation driving the decision for the best idea are:

  • The idea should clearly address climate change issue with a potential of positive impact
  • Passionate team with motivation to implement the idea
  • The idea must be feasible and the business model viable (applicable to the real world and able to attract funding)
  • The idea should focus on the local challenge set by the city host

The winner group will have the opportunity to:

  • exhibit and present the idea to MICROMEGA ARTE E CULTURA, a space organizing cultural activities in the hearth of Venice.
  • invited to present the idea in the context of ECOMONDO the 9th of October (Rimini), a leader exhibition in circular economy in the Mediterrenan area.

How to apply

Participants will be admitted to Climathon up to a maximum of 30 people selected on the basis of expertise and field of interests related to the main themes of the event (to be specified in the online registration form).

In consideration of the multidisciplinarity of the challenge proposed, mostly welcome to register and participate are groups of 3-5 participants.

 Important INFO

  •   Application deadline for participants: October 15, 2017
  •   Participation is FREE
  •   the official language of the event is Italian and Venexian but English translation will provided
  •   Our coaches are Italian, German, French and English speakers!
  •   priority will be given to participants who never participated to Climathon Venice



When and Where

Venice, Centro Espositivo Zitelle - CZ95 Giudecca - Centro Espositivo Zitelle - CZ95 Giudecca, Venice -

27 Oct 2017 28 Oct 2017


More information: [email protected]

Website Organized by
  • CMCC - Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici

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