EAERE 2022 | 27th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

EAERE Annual Conference
28 June to 1 July 2022 in Rimini, Italy

The conference will take place in presence at the PalaCongressi of Rimini, a lively and easily reachable location on the Italian Adriatic coast (see here more info on the venue and how to reach it).

The conference will start on the late afternoon of 28 June with a welcome reception at PalaCongressi. Please see our full conference programme, which will consist of plenary sessions, parallel paper sessions, egg-timers, two pre-conference workshops and three high-level policy sessions. We will also host several social events!

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Award Session 1: EAERE Award for ERC Grants | Jun 29 2022 09:00 AM – 10:45 AM

Organiser and moderator: Enrica De Cian (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and CMCC)

Presentation by prior ERC Grant Awardees, “Experience of ERC Grant Winners”:
Massimo Tavoni (EIEE and CMCC)
Phoebe Koundouri (EAERE and Athens University of Economics and Business)
Nadia Ameli (UCL)
Ulrich Wagner (University of Mannheim)


Policy Session 1: Border Carbon Adjustments: Drivers or Impediments for Climate Ambition? |Jun 29 2022 02:00 PM – 03:45 PM

Organised by the RFF-CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment (EIEE) and supported by the H2020-MSCA-RISE project GEMCLIME-2020

Keigo Akimoto (Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth)
Francesco Bosello(Ca’ Foscari University of Venice; EIEE)
Jos Delbeke (European University Institute)
Carolyn Fischer (World Bank)
Suzi Kerr (Environmental Defense Fund)
Billy Pizer (Resources for the Future)

Moderation: Massimo Tavoni (Politecnico di Milano, EIEE)


Weather and Health  | Jun 29 2022 04:15 PM – 06:00 PM

– Temperature and Mental Health: Evidence from Helpline Calls — PRESENTER: Benedikt Janzen, DISCUSSANT: Shouro Dasgupta

– Climate change induced crop yield efficiency loss and the impact on children’s health – PRESENTER: Shouro Dasgupta, DISCUSSANT: Veronica Vienne


Policy Session 2: How to integrate environmental risks into central banks’ macroeconomic analysis and operations? | Jun 30 2022 02:00 PM – 03:45 PM

Panelists: Ivan Faiella (Banca d’Italia)
Lars Peter Hansen (University of Chicago)
Laura Parisi (European Central Bank)
Mathilde Salin (Banque de France)

Moderation: Emanuele Campiglio (University of Bologna)


Electricity Markets 2 | Jun 30 2022 02:00 PM – 03:45 PM

Chair: Francesco Colelli

– Asset stranding in the power sector: Assessing the risk carried by companies and their ultimate owners – PRESENTER: Angelika von Dulong, DISCUSSANT: Francesco Colelli

– Intensive and extensive margins of the peak load: measuring adaptation with mixed frequency panel data – PRESENTER: Francesco Colelli, DISCUSSANT: Mirjam Kosch


CGE Modelling 2 | Jun 30 2022 02:00 PM – 03:45 PM

– Application of the Concept of “Functionalities” in Macroeconomic Modelling Frameworks – Insights for Austria and Methodological Lessons Learned — PRESENTER: Jakob Mayer, DISCUSSANT: Gabriele Standardi

– Assessing macro-economic effects of climate impacts on energy demand in EU sub-national regions — PRESENTER: Gabriele Standardi, DISCUSSANT: Adam Rose


Egg-timmer Session 2: Climate Policy | Jun 30 2022 04:15 PM – 06:00 PM

Net economic benefits of well-below 2C scenarios and associated uncertainties – Presenter: Laurent Drouet


Thematic Session 8: Jobs and Skills in the Low Carbon Economy | Jul 01 2022 02:00 PM – 03:45 PM


Dr. Aurelien Saussay, Prof. Giovanni Marin, Prof. Elena Verdolini, Robert Elliott

Digital industrial technologies and decarbonization pathways: energy and labor market impacts – SPEAKERS: Caterina Alacevich, Elena Verdolini


The conference is organised by the Department of Economics of the University of Bologna (UniBo), with the support of Bank of Italy and the European Institute on Economics and the Environment (EIEE). See here the full list of our partners and sponsors.

You can find updated Covid-19 travel information here.

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