Call for applications for admission to the 33rd cycle of PhD programmes (A.Y. 2017/2018)

Call 2017/2018 and Annex A (pdf file)
Issued with Rector’s Decree No. 215 March, 17th 2017

This call for applications, published on the Ca’ Foscari website at > Admission, regulates access to the 33rd cycle of PhD programmes of the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, (a. y. 2017/2018). Amendments or additions to the call for applications will be published on the same website.

The PhD Programmes for a.y. 2017/2018 (33rd cycle) are twelve and, in particular,  the programme in Science and Management of Climate Change has been organized  in partnership with the Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change (CMCC) and with National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (OGS).

Candidates will be admitted to PhD programmes after passing a selection process (evaluation of academic qualifications, written and/or oral examination) according to the conditions indicated in Annex “A”, which defines, for each PhD programme: research topics, number of available places, admission requirements and candidate selection criteria used to produce the classification list.

Admission requirements

All candidates possessing any of the following requirements can submit their application:

    • “Laurea Specialistica” or “laurea magistrale” (the second cycle degree achievable in Italy since 1999 after completing five years (or more) of university studies);
    • an Italian degree obtained before the system introduced by Ministerial Decree No. 509 dated 3 November 1999 amended by means of Ministerial Decree No. 270 dated 22 October 2004 (Laurea vecchio ordinamento);
    • second-level university qualifications granted by AFAM institutions (Alta Formazione Artistica e Musicale, “Advanced Artistic and Musical Training”);
    • a Master’s degree qualification obtained abroad – comparable in terms of duration, level and discipline field to the Italian qualification granting admission to the PhD Programme – and recognised as suitable for admission to selection process in accordance with Art. 4 below.

For each PhD Programme, the forms in Annex “A” specify the type of academic qualifications required for admission to the selection process and any further necessary requirement.

Deadline to apply

The application form must be completed exclusively online, before Thursday, April 27th, 2017, no later than 1 PM (Italian time), under penalty of exclusion.

To be considered valid, all candidates must submit their applications using the online procedure. Incomplete applications, applications lacking the obligatory academic qualifications shall not be considered valid.

More information about this Call for applications are available on the
Ca’ Foscari website.

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