BASE: transforming knowledge into adaptation solutions

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The BASE (Bottom-Up Climate Adaptation Strategies Towards a Sustainable Europe) project presents itself in a video while describing the main aims of the project and the ways to achieve them. The project supports action for sustainable climate change adaptation in Europe by making experiences and scientific information about adaptation meaningful, transferable and easily accessible to decision-makers at all levels.
More in detail, BASE tries to bridge the gap between the top-down and the bottom-up approach. The gap between top-down strategic assessments of costs and benefits and empirical context-sensitive bottom-up analyses will be bridged using novel combinations of models and qualitative analyses. From the top-down perspective, the project assesses climate change effects, impacts, costs to highlight effective and sustainable adaptation policies. From the bottom-up approach, BASE gathers insights from several case studies across different sectors and regions to improve the quality of information available about adaptation. The final result is an information easy to access, understand and use.

BASE is a four-year project (2012-2016) implemented by an interdisciplinary consortium of research centers and universities from across Europe. BASE has been funded with the assistance of the European Union.

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