User requirements of climate information and impact indicators: European survey to inform the Copernicus Climate Change Service

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Climate is changing and countries and organizations are vulnerable to these changes. Climate change will have a wide range of impacts such as rising sea levels, increase risk of flood, drought and heat waves. Organizations need to plan for the impact and challenges that our changing climate will bring therefore having the appropriate tools and data to make evidence-based decisions is essential.

A major survey is now live, improving the understanding of climate data used by many centers and organizations for their activities while enabling organizations and businesses across Europe to shape the development of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S).
The online survey is part of the SECTEUR (Sector Engagement for the Copernicus Climate Change Service: Translating European User Requirements) project being led by the Institute for Environmental Analytics (IEA).
The main goal of project is to understand user requirements of climate data by those organizations that are already using or could potentially use this information for improving their activities and decision-making and planning processes regarding climate mitigation and adaptation. The Sectors covered are: Agriculture & Forestry, Coastal areas, Health, Infrastructure, Insurance and Tourism.
The CMCC Foundation is leading the Coastal Sector activities and is participating to the Agriculture & Forestry Sector ones.

SECTEUR is part of the wider Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) which will develop and deliver quality assured information about the past, current and future states of the climate in Europe and worldwide.
“The survey takes an average of 10 to 15 minutes to complete. The results will inform the development of C3S and the provision of free climate information from 2018″, says Dr Maria Noger, SECTEUR project manager based at IEA.

The survey will be open until November 15th, 2016, and can be found HERE.

More information about the SECTEUR project and the CMCC Foundation’s role are available HERE.

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