Coastal Areas Sector: Climate information uses, needs and gaps

CMCC organizes the workshop “Coastal Areas Sector: Climate information uses, needs and gaps” in the framework of the Secteur project, that will be held in Toulouse (France) on October 11-12, 2016 (from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm).
Participation is free and dinner offered.

SECTEUR engages directly with end-users to analyze their requirements for climate information, identify gaps and deliver recommendations on future needs to support better informed decision-making. The sectors covered are: Agriculture & Forestry, Coastal areas, Health, Infrastructure, Insurance and Tourism. SECTEUR is funded by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), on behalf of Copernicus, the European Commission’s Earth observation and monitoring program.
More information about SECTEUR:

The Copernicus Climate Change Service will be ready in 2018 and will provide free climate information to help society and business sectors improve their planning and decision-making for climate adaptation and mitigation. SECTEUR has been entrusted to provide Copernicus with sectoral user requirements to ultimately tailor the climate information that Copernicus will offer. We are doing this through:

You will be given the opportunity to:

  • Shape what the Copernicus Climate Change Service offers according to your requirements
  • Network and create new contacts with other organizations within your sector
  • Learn from others how your sector is using climate information

Who is leading the Coastal Areas Sector Workshop?

The workshop structure has been designed by the University of Leeds, as part of the SECTEUR project.

When and Where

Toulouse, France, Hôtel MERCURE - Hôtel MERCURE, Toulouse, France -

11 Oct 2016 12 Oct 2016

Contacts Website Organized by
  • CMCC - Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici

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