EC2 – The Europe-China Clean Energy Center

The specific objective of the project is to promote an increased use of clean energy in China, through the establishment of a Europe-China Clean Energy Center, for providing support to Chinese policy makers and to other energy sector key players, both Chinese and European.

General aims

To support the Chinese Government’s efforts to shape a more sustainable, environment-friendly and efficient energy sector. The specific objective is to promote an increased use of clean energy in China, through the establishment of a Europe-China Clean Energy Center, as a hub of excellence for providing support to Chinese policy makers and to other energy sector key players, both Chinese and European.


CMCC is the Leader of Work Package C (Capacity Building) and is also involved in WP A (Elaborating an Exit Strategy) and D (“Elaborating an Awareness Raising Strategy” and “Action Plan and Building and Operating a website”).

Expected results

A Europe-China Clean Energy Center is set up, operational and sustainable
Increased introduction of clean energy technologies into the energy and other relevant sectors
Enhanced capacity of Chinese energy authorities and economic operators to enforce and implement a more thorough clean energy development regulatory framework
Increased awareness amongst decision makers and the public at large of clean energy and its benefits to the environment


WPA – Europe-China clean energy center set-up, administration and project management
WPB – innovative clean energy platform
WPC – Capacity Building
WPD – Awareness-raising on clean energy and its benefits to environment

  • Chalmers University of Technology
  • CMCC - Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici
  • Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique
  • ERI - Energy Research Institute
  • Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe
  • IIE/CASS - Institute of Industrial Economics of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • POLITO - Politecnico di Torino
  • TU - Tsinghua University
  • UNICAL - Università della Calabria

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