Institute for Earth System Predictions – IESP

The Institute for the Earth System Prediction (IESP) is committed to improving the CMCC climate modeling capacities and fostering the transfer of scientific insights into enhanced predictive skills and planning tools. We are committed to advance the understanding of the climate system and of climate changes across multiple spatio-temporal scales in support of local and national response to emerging climate risks.

IESP aims to address societally relevant key questions related to climate science and advance seamless predictions of the earth system from the global to the local scales and from short term to multi decadal time scales in support of scientifically based decision making.

Our Expertise

IESP capacities build on a diversity of dynamical, statistical and data-driven modeling approaches and on R&D activities on Computation Science which include: i) Multi-scale modeling and predictive competencies, from sub-seasonal to multi-decadal ; ii) Global, regional and coastal ocean operational forecasting services; iii) Data assimilation in different components of the climate system (ocean, sea ice, atmosphere, and land); iv) Innovative marine coastal observing, modelling systems and applications; v) Marine and land bio-geochemical modeling; vi) Advanced computing techniques and innovative platform for data analysis and management  for an optimal exploitation of numerical models on HPC and cloud architectures; vii) Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning methods.

In pursuing its scientific vision and ambitious goals, the Institute and its Research Divisions align with the CMCC mission, ensuring that approaches, data, and software adhere to the overall Foundation’s strategy in the context of open science principles.

Simona Masina

Institute for Earth System Predictions (IESP)


Viale Berti Pichat,  6/2, 40127 Bologna, Italy.

IESP Publications

Storylines of projected summer warming in Iberia using atmospheric circulation, soil moisture and sea surface temperature as drivers of uncertainty

Garrido-Perez J.M.; Barriopedro D.; Trigo R.M.; Soares P.M.M.; Zappa G.; Alvarez-Castro C., García-Herrera R.
2024, Atmospheric Research, Volume 3111 - Article number 107677, 10.1016/j.atmosres.2024.107677

CMIP6 models underestimate Arctic sea ice loss during the Early Twentieth-Century Warming, despite simulating large low-frequency sea ice variability

Bianco E., Wrigglesworth E. B.; Materia S., Ruggieri P.; Iovino D., Masina S.
2024, Journal of Climate, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-23-0647.1

Tiber River-Driven Chlorophyll-a and Total Suspended Matter Dynamics and Their Impacts along the Central Tyrrhenian Sea Coast: A Sentinel-2 Approach

Varghese D.; Piermattei V., Madonia A., Marcelli M.
2024, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Volume 134 , 104161, doi: 10.1016/j.jag.2024.104161

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