Agrometeorology and Ecophysiology of Agricultural and Forestry Eco-Systems

The Ph.D. programme was established in 1990 to answer the several educational and research demands in the sector of agrometeorology and ecophysiology. These sectors were assuming a growing importance on an international level, but in the Italian universities there weren’t any research project or specific teachings about them.
From the year 2006 (XXII Cycle) the Ph.D. course in Agrometeorology and Ecophysiology of Agricultural and Forestry Eco-Systems joined the Ph.D. School in Sciences of Agricultural and Forestry Eco-systems and Food Production of the university of Sassari (with the administrative office at the Department of Science for Nature and Environmental Resources – DIPNET of the university of Sassari, and with the collaborating universities of Florence – Dipartimento Scienze Agronomiche e Gestione del Territorio Agro-Forestale and Bologna – Dipartimento Scienze e Tecnologie Agroambientali – DiSTA).
From the year 2007 the Ph.D. program has found new lines of force in the collaboration with CMCC as regards the scientific and educational support, above all thanks to the studies of climate change impact on agriculture, on forestry and natural systems and on adaptation and mitigation strategies.


This Ph.D. course aims to provide an hight qualification and a  sufficient cultural background with regard to research and development demand in the field of management of agricultural and forestry productive systems and in the conservation, protection and enhancement of natural resources. The  learning of specific methodologies and the acquisition of the ability to analyze will allow to plan scenarios of environmental development of the agricultural and forestry ecosystems, by carrying out a timely intervention on local criticalities too.

The Ph.D. program is divided into five streams :

  • Analysis of climate impact on agriculture and natural ecosystems
  • Micrometeorology of agricultural, forestry and natural systems
  • Ecophysiology of the Mediterranean agroecosystems
  • Climate analysis and land suitability
  • Biometeorology and bioclimatology

The first year of the course will be characterized by a greater educational engagement, with the participation to general courses that integrates the knowledges of the Ph.D. students in scientific field and specific courses that focus on specific teachings of the course. During the three years of the course it will be required the participation to specific seminars about the studied subjects in order to provide a wide view in the field of agrometeorology and ecophysiology. The research and education course is supported by a tutor who follows through the development of the Ph.D. student’s individual work and certifies his progresses.

This course also includes some training periods (stages and research periods) out of the university of  Sassari, thanks to many important collaborations with other Italian universities and with public and private research organizations.


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