International environmental cooperation and dynamic stock effects

The following seminar has been organized within the PhD. program in Science and Management of Climate Change, in cooperation with Fondazione CMCC and Ca’ Foscari University.

Marita Laukkanen
Chief researcher and research leader
VATT Institute for Economic Research
Adjunct professor of economics, University of Helsinki

Many key environmental concerns today involve strategic interactions among sovereign countries. While most transboundary pollution problems involve stock pollutants, much of the literature on international environmental agreements (IEAs) uses static models. Such models ignore the fact that changes in the stock of pollution may affect the incentives of countries to join an IEA.

In this paper we analyze the effect of pollutant stock dynamics on IEA membership assuming that at any time period each country makes a decision whether to participate in an IEA or not, and depending on the outcome on these decisions, each country adjusts its emission policy according to the feedback Nash equilibrium. Our objective is to find the equilibrium size of an IEA, which withstands possible one-shot deviations.

The model is applied to a numerical calibration reflecting the climate policy problem.

When and Where

Mestre, Venezia, Auditorium Daniele Mainardi - Scientific Campus – Alfa - Auditorium Daniele Mainardi - Scientific Campus – Alfa, Mestre, Venezia -

1 Feb 2018

Contacts Website Organized by
  • Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia
  • CMCC - Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici

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