Side event alongside UNFCCC COP19 “Implementing Climate Actions on the basis of Territorial Cooperation”

The Network of Regional Governments for Sustainable Development (nrg4SD) and The Climate Group (TCG) jointly organize the side event alongside UNFCCC COP19 “Implementing Climate Actions on the basis of Territorial Cooperation”, to be held in Warsaw, Poland, on November 21st, 2013 (h. 4:45 – 6:15 pm, room Wroclaw).

Climate Change is one of the most challenging issues that the XXI century society currently is facing. Combined with increasing urbanization, climate impacts have become apparent in all sectors of the economy, and action is required at all governing levels.

Respected distinct federal arrangements, infrastructure and services like health, education, transport, sustainable building or disaster prevention and preparedness all require subnational involvement at some level. Subnational government is responsible for the development and implementation of policies and actions in areas that directly influence GHG emissions levels and deal with the impacts of climate change. Therefore the path to successfully tackle climate change relies heavily upon the engagement and contribution by subnational and local actors.

The territorial dimension has a direct influence on the successful formulation of climate policies and targets, since it enables tailor-made actions adapted to the population dynamics and urban realities, ensuring the most effective outcomes in tackling climate change at the subnational level. With this in mind, cooperation among different territorial agents of similar climate conditions, physical infrastructure and social systems is a key issue.

Many local and subnational governments are already at the forefront of driving climate action and ambition. This event will showcase some of the ambitious interventions and policies being driven by these actors.

An opportunity to share best practices
Speakers will present case studies on territorial cooperation for climate change mitigation and adaptation, while showing collaboration experiences between different territorial agents (region-region, city-city, region-city, territory-region, territory-city).

Moderator: Mr. Antonio Navarra, President of Euro Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC)

  • Case of the Pyrenees: example of Spain, France and Andorra
”Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory (OPCC), a cross-border cooperation initiative to monitor and assess the impact of climate change at the Pyrenees”
. Mr. Enric Llebot, Secretary of State for Environment and Sustainability, Government of Catalonia and Co-Chair North of nrg4SD. and
  • Case of Sao Paulo
”Sao Paulo: building federative capacity – Empowering subnational climate policies”
. Mr. Bruno Covas, Secretary of State for the Environment, Government of São Paulo and Co-Chair South of nrg4SD. and
  • Case of California and Mexico
 “What influence, effectiveness, need for support from regional and national government do we need to well implement climate actions?
” Mr. Michael McCormick, Appointee of California’s Governor Jerry Brown and Local and Regional Affairs Policy Advisor in the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, California, USA.
  • Case of Québec
 “The Quebec/California carbon market: Partnership across North American borders” 
Mr. Yves-François Blanchet, Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment, Fauna and Parks of Québec.
  • Case of Sardinia (to be confirmed). Mr Ugo Cappellacci, President of Sardinia and Chair of the Commission for the Environment, Climate Change and Energy of the Committee of regions of the EU. and
  • Case of Wales (to be confirmed). Speaker, The Climate Group

For more information, please contact Ms. Natalia Vera, Internal Affairs Coordinator for nrg4SD Secretariat ([email protected]) or Ms. Libby Ferguson, The Climate Group States & Regions Director ([email protected]).

When and Where

Warsaw, Poland - Warsaw, Poland -

21 Nov 2013

Organized by
  • CMCC - Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change
  • The Climate Group
  • nrg4SD

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