Published articles

Filtering by: Ocean modeling and Data Assimilation

Advection patterns and aerosol optical and microphysical properties by AERONET over south-east Italy in the central Mediterranean

Santese M., De Tomasi F., Perrone M. R.
2008, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 8, 1881-1896

Very large ensemble ocean forecasting experiment using the Grid computing infrastructure,

Pinardi N., Bonazzi A., Scoccimarro E., Dobricic S., Navarra A., Ghiselli A., Veronesi P.
2008, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 89, 6, 799-804

Atmospheric horizontal resolution affects tropical climate variability in coupled models

Navarra A., Gualdi S., Masina S., Masson S., Guilyardi E., Delecluse P., Yamagata T., Behera S., Luo J. -. J.
2008, Journal of Climate, 21, pp. 730-7500

Mediterranean water cycle changes: transition to drier 21st century conditions in observations and CMIP3 simulations

Mariotti A., Zeng N., Yoon J., Artale  V., Navarra A., Alpert P., Li L. X. Z.
2008, Environmental Research Letters, 3, 1-8

Overview of the new CCMVal reference and sensitivity simulations in support of upcoming ozone and climate Assessments and the Planned SPARC CCMVal report

Eyring V., Chipperfield M. P. , Giorgetta M. A. , Kinnison D. E. , Manzini E., Matthes K., Newman P. A. , Pawson S., Shepherd T. G. , Waugh D. W.
2008, SPARC Newsletter, 30, 20-26

An oceanographic three-dimensional variational data assimilation scheme

Dobricic S., Pinardi N.
2008, Ocean Modelling, 22, 89-105

Impact of extreme CO2 levels on tropical climate: a CGCM study

Cherchi A., Masina S., Navarra A.
2008, Climate Dynamics, 31, 743-758

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