Published articles

Filtering by author: Valentini Riccardo

Controls on winter ecosystem respiration at mid-and high-latitudes

Wang T., Ciais  P., Piao  S. , Ottle C., Brender  P., Maignan F., Arain  A., Gianelle D., Gu L., Lafleur L., Laurila T., Margolis H., Montagnani L., Moors E., Nobuko S., Vesala T., Wohlfahrt G., Reichstein  M., Migliavacca M., Ammann  C., Aubinet M., Barr  A., Bernacchi  C., Bernhofer C., Black  T., Davis  K. , Dellwik E., Dragoni  D., Don  A., Flanagan L., Foken T., Granier A., Hadley J., Hirata R., Hollinger D., Kato T., Kutsch W., Marek M., Matamala R., Matteucci G., Meyers T., Monson R., Munger J., Oechel W., Paw  U. K. T. , Rebmann  C., Tuba Z., Valentini R., Varlagin A., Verma S.
2011, Biogeosciences Discussions, 7 (5), pp. 6997-7027

Predicting changes in soil organic carbon in mediterranean and alpine forests during the Kyoto Protocol commitment periods using the CENTURY model

Chiti  T. , Papale D., Smith  D., Dalmonech  D., Matteucci G., Yeluripati J., Rodeghiero  M., Valentini R.
2011, Soil Use and Management, 26 (4), pp. 475-484

Multicriteria Decision Aid to support Multilateral Environmental Agreements in assessing international forestry projects

Condor  R. D. , Scarelli  A., Valentini R.
2011, International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 11 (2), pp. 117-137

Extending large-scale forest inventories to assess urban forests

Corona  P. , Agrimi  M., Baffetta  F., Barbati A. , Chiriacò  M. V. , Fattorini L., Pompei  E., Valentini R., Mattioli W.
2011, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Volume 184, Issue 3, pp 1409-1422

The carbon balance of Africa: Synthesis of recent research studies

Ciais  P. C. , Bombelli A., Williams M., Piao  S. L. , Chave  J., Ryan  C. M. , Henry M., Brender  P., Valentini R.
2011, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 369 (1943), pp. 2038 - 2057.

Soil carbon dynamics in a Mediterranean forest during the Kyoto Protocol commitment periods

Chiti  T. , Certini  G., Perugini  L., Mastrolonardo G., Valentini R.
2011, Regional Environmental Change, 11 (2), pp. 371 - 376

Soil organic carbon stock assessment for the different cropland land uses in Italy

Chiti  T. , Gardin L., Perugini  L., Quaratino  R. , Vaccari F. P. , Valentini R.
2011, Biology and Fertility of Soils, pp. 1 - 9

Predicting hot-spots of land use changes in Italy by ensemble forecasting

Santini M., Valentini R.
2011, Regional Environmental Change, 11 (3), pp. 483 - 502

New Parameterization of a Global Vegetation Model for Steppe Ecosystem From Southern Siberian In Situ Measurements

Vuichard ., Valentini R.
2010, Rangeland Ecology & Management, 63 (1): 51-61

Influence of defoliation on CO2 efflux from soil and microbial activity in a Mediterranean grassland

Gavrichkova O., Moscatelli M. C. , Kuzyakov Y., Grego S., Valentini R.
2010, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 136(1-2), 87-96

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