Published articles

Filtering by author: Torresan Silvia

Challenges in assessing and managing multi-hazard risks: A European stakeholders perspective

Šakić Trogrlić R.; Reiter K.; Ciurean R.L.; Gottardo S., Torresan S., Daloz A.S.; Ma L.; Padrón Fumero N.; Tatman S.; Hochrainer-Stigler S.; de Ruiter M.C.; Schlumberger J.; Harris R.; Garcia-Gonzalez S.; García-Vaquero M.; Arévalo T.L.F.; Hernandez-Martin R.; Mendoza-Jimenez J.; Ferrario D., Geurts D.; Stuparu D.; Tiggeloven T.; Duncan M.J.; Ward P.J.
2024, Environmental Science and Policy, Volume 157 - July 2024 - Article number 103774, doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2024.103774

Barriers and enablers for upscaling coastal restoration

Sánchez Arcilla A., Cáceres I., LeRoux X., Hinkel J., Schuerch M,, J. Nicholls R., del Mar Otero M., Staneva J., de Vries M., Pernice U., Briere C., Caiola N., Gracia V., Ibáñez C.,Torresan S.
2022, Nature-Based Solutions, "Special Issue: “ Scaling of Nature Based Solutionhs for maximum benefits”", doi: 10.1016/j.nbsj.2022.100032

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