PhD in Science and Management of Climate Change: 7 available positions at Ca’Foscari University, Venice

PhD Programme in Science and Management of Climate Change (4 years)

The PhD programme in Science and Management of Climate Change is a joint initiative between Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, the Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change (CMCC) and Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS).

The PhD programme offers a 4-years fully funded scholarship, including one year of full-time coursework, with worldwide research opportunities and connections to a broad international network of top-level universities and research centers in the field, as well as placement in highly renowned institutions afterwards. The programme is conducted entirely in English.

Application deadline 
The Call for Applications for the academic year 2019/2020 will close on April 10th, 2019, h. 1 pm CEST

Application information and forms 
The Call for Application (PDF File), general information, and forms for the PhD Programme on Science and Management of Climate Change can be downloaded at:

[eng] > Admission
[ita] > Accesso

Available positions: 7 with scholarships

Objectives of the PhD
The main objectives of this PhD Programme are to provide the job market with experts with a broad, in-depth, scientific and socio-economic background, as well as with a sound and innovative research experience focusing on the dynamics of climate change, the design and execution of numerical and mathematical models of the climate and the economy, the methodologies and techniques for evaluation, management and assessment, in terms of mitigation and adaptation measures and policies.

Students gain in-depth understanding of climate processes and their interactions, ranging from the molecular to the global scale and from short-term phenomena to changes over millions of years. They will be prepared to understand the impacts of current changes in climate as well as the mitigation and adaptation policies put in place.
All this gives to outstanding young scientists a deep scientific knowledge and personal skills to take leadership roles in academia, in consulting firms, as well as in the energy and insurance sectors, in public administration positions and in the private sector.
Our final goal is to provide the people, products, policy and leadership to confront the challenge of climate change at a global scale, creating new opportunities for innovators to shape the world’s next economy

Organisation of the PhD Programme
The PhD in Science and Management of Climate Change is a 4 year programme. During the first year students complete their coursework in Venice, while from the second year onward they develop their research projects and work on their final PhD dissertations. After completion of the first year, PhD students are required to spend a period conducting research at a foreign institution or university, to be agreed with the tutor and approved by the PhD Board. All PhD thesis will be externally reviewed by international referees.

The programme comprises 12 core courses of 6 ECTS each, from a range of subject areas, organized into three terms: Autumn, Winter, and Spring. Students benefit from a balance between teaching and learning through a mix of lectures, seminars, external speakers, discussion group exercises, and case studies. Credits are acquired by attending the courses and by passing a final exam. Attendance is mandatory. Seminars, guest lectures, and elective thematic courses are organized throughout the year in order to facilitate interaction among students from different cycles and different programmes, as well as with invited guests from important research centers and universities.

PhD students completing their studies and receiving their PhDs will also receive the qualification of MPhil in Science and Management of Climate Change at the end of their 4-year programme. 

Detailed info at the web page

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