The CMCC Foundation at the top of the Italian research in the ANVUR report

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Ranked among the best research centers in Earth Sciences, Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, and featured at the top of two other research areas (Industrial and Information Engineering, Economics and Statistics). [Diagrams] The CMCC Foundation confirms its prominent role in the Italian research, being nearly the only research institution showing an excellent positioning in many different disciplines. The results of the ANVUR – the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research Systems (Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca).

The second Evaluation of the Quality of Research (VQR) of Italian universities realized by ANVUR – the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research Systems (Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca) has analyzed the Italian scientific production from 2011 to 2014. The report provides an evaluation of universities and research centers and institutions while allowing a comparison between the quality of national research and the quality of research of major institutions and research bodies in the EU and all over the world. In recent years – ANVUR explains – the research of the Italian universities improves its performance in the international scientific panorama on different aspects: the scientific production increases, the impacts of research on its reference, relevant community improves, the productivity of Italian researchers improves.

The VQR 2011-2014 has compared almost 96,000 research products produced by almost 50,000 university professors and researchers of 16 different scientific areas, in order to evaluate 96 universities, 12 research bodies under the vigilance of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) and 26 research bodies and consortia which took part in this initiative and voluntarily wanted to be evaluated.

Among these latter research centers was the CMCC Foundation – Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change that shows a better result in respect to the previous report (published in 2013) while featuring as one of the leading institutions within the national panorama. (See the diagrams).

The CMCC, in fact, ranks at the top position of the ANVUR evaluation classification in four different scientific areas (three in the previous report): Earth Sciences, Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, Economic and Statistical Sciences.

In these areas the CMCC features a high level of scientific production, and its quality indicators for scientific research are the best recorded within the research bodies and consortia that voluntarily participated in the evaluation. The CMCC Foundation features a good positioning also in the absolute ranking, that is in a comparison between all the research bodies and institutions involved in the ANVUR evaluation.

Let’s see in the detail how the CMCC research was evaluated within the national panorama in the VQR report.

Concerning Earth Sciences, the CMCC Foundation features an index or quality indicator of 0.85, that is the highest value recorded for this area for research bodies and universities in the ANVUR report. (See the diagram).

Agricultural sciences and Veterinary Medicine: the CMCC Foundation ranks second (behind only the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa) with a quality indicator of 0.83. (See the diagram).

In the scientific area of Engineering and Computer Science, with a quality indicator of 0.70 the CMCC Foundation shows a good positioning in the ranking, following cutting edge and leading centers in the field. (See the diagram).

Concerning Economic and Statistical Sciences, the CMCC features absolutely as one of the best research centers within the national classification, behind Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca, Pisa Sant’Anna, Politecnico di Torino, Politecnico di Milano, Collegio Carlo Alberto while featuring ex aequo with University of Padova. (See the diagram).

It’s definitely an excellent result, and the CMCC staff and collaborators must be proud of such an outstanding position. Some years after the first ANVUR evaluation, the CMCC Foundation appears as a dynamic reality developing multidisciplinary research of excellence within the national and the international panorama.

The complete report is available on the ANVUR website.

Info: Mauro Buonocore – CMCC – Press Officer
[email protected] – tel. +39 0832 671060

See the interactive diagrams about the research areas in which the CMCC Foundation has been evaluated by the ANVUR.
Put the cursor on the diagram to see the score and the name of a research institution: in green the universities, in blue the Research Centers, in yellow the CMCC Foundation.


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