Climathon Lecce: ideas to save the future of our coasts. Here are the winners

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Lecce, 28.10.17 – A connection between the coastal areas of the municipality of Lecce and its hinterland and a sharing responsibility in integrated coastal areas management. These are the key points of the winning project of Climathon Lecce 2017 entitled “LinkShiftShare” realized by Chiara De Rinaldis, Giuseppe Scandone, Federico Paperi, Michele Perrotti, Nunzio Luciano Fazio.
At the end of the 24h marathon involving 26 participants, the local panel awarded the project that aims at reducing the anthropic pressure on coastal zones in particular with the realization of an integrated management of traffic flow within coastal areas in order to regulate and control the access to the seaside and the coastal dune environment while monitoring entertainment activities and tourism flows in the area of interest.

A CMCC Foundation’s initiative realized in collaboration with the Municipality of Lecce, Climathon Lecce 2017 ended with the presentation of the six ideas and solutions proposed by participants. They will be taken into consideration by local authorities in the framework of the project Rigenerazione Urbana, with a special focus on coastal areas and sustainable development of the area.

For more information, read the news ” Climathon Lecce: un’idea per salvare il futuro delle coste. Ecco i vincitori “

The prize

The winning group will have the opportunit:

  • to visit Fondazione Renzo Piano premises in Genoa and to participate in the 2017 edition of “I dialoghi” with Renzo Piano, a conversation about art and building;
  • to present the idea in the context of ECOMONDO (on November 9, 2017, in Rimini, Italy), a leading exhibition in circular economy in the Mediterrenan area.

The local panel

  • Prof. Angelo Corallo – Università del Salento
  • Ing. Archt. Paolo Colonna – RPBW – Renzo Piano Building Workshop
  • Archt. Rita Miglietta – Assessore alle Politiche urbanistiche e strategiche
  • Dr. Giovanni Sylos Labini – Planetek Italia
  • Prof. Angelo Tursi – Università degli studi di Bari
  • Prof. Luisa Torsi – Università degli studi Bari
  • Dr. Laura Panzera – Direttore esecutivo, Fondazione CMCC
  • Prof. Giovanni Zurlini – Università del Salento


The organization
Climathon Lecce is an event organised by the CMCC Foundation in collaboration with the Municipality of Lecce in the framework of the project Rigenerazione Urbana Lecce, Conversazioni sul futuro and START, a project funded by the Apulia Region in the framework of the Programme “Aiuti a Sostegno Cluster Tecnologici Regionali”. The Programme aims at improving knowledge of the coastal environment while integrating real-time observations and operational modelling systems.
Moreover, the event is organized with the support of Molo12 and Officine Cantelmo.
 Climathon is a movement in cities around the world, powered by Climate-KIC, the EU’s largest public private partnership bringing together the climate challenges of the world’s cities with the people who have the passion and ability to solve them.

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