CMCC joins the students in the Climate Strike

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It’s time to act concretely and swiftly. We are in Venice, Venezia-Mestre, Padova, Bologna, Viterbo, Lecce: the CMCC joins the students in the Climate Strike sharing the message of urgency that science is telling us.
Follow the #ClimateStrike from CMCC headquarters on our social accounts @cmccclimate.
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Join the global movement for the climate!

Want to know more on this important issue? Look at the work collected by the CMCC Foundation to recount what the international community of climate scientists knows about this complex and interdisciplinary issue. Watch the videos on, look at the infographic based on the last IPCC report “Global Warming of 1.5°C”, explore IPCC updates and information on the IPCC Focal Point for Italy.

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