CMCC ranked again as one of the best center for climate research

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A ranking based on solid quantitative and analytical data and established on a set of indicators such as publications, collaborations with other organizations in the field of climate change economics and policy and the role at the international level. The ICCG Climate Think Tank report features the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) as one of the most active think tank in Europe.

Lecce, June 21st 2013 – Its name is ICCG Climate Think Tank Ranking and is different from any other global ranking of think tanks at least for two important reasons. First of all, it’s the first ranking of think tanks working in the field of climate change economics and policy. Think tanks are shown on the Think Tank Map observatory, a map which provides a complete overview of all the organizations working in the field of climate change.
The second point is the methodology used to build the rank: the ICCG Think Tank Ranking is based on solid quantitative and analytical data, which are translated into both bibliometric and non-bibliometric indicators. In particular, the classification was assessed on a set of some indicators (events, authors in IPCC Reports, UNFCCC submissions, articles in peer-reviewed journals, and non-peer reviewed publications) in a composite manner. In addition, the indicators are based on the criteria of per capita productivity for each think tank and have been carefully selected since 2012 when specific weights were assigned according to the feedback provided by experts in the field.

The first edition of the ranking was recently announced by the International Center for Climate Governance (ICCG). The winner of the 2012 ICCG Climate Think Tank Ranking in the European category is the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3, Bilbao, Spain), while the winner for the Global category is the Belfer Center for Science and international Affairs (Cambridge, MA, USA), with its Environment and Natural Resources Program.
The winner announcement and award ceremony will be held on 27 June at 8:00 pm in occasion of the 20th European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE) Annual Conference, which will be held in Toulouse, France from 26 to 29 June 2013.

The report features the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) as one of the most important organizations; more in detail, the CMCC is ranked 7th in the absolute European ranking.
This result represents an important recognition of CMCC’s work in Italy and at the international level. It is an additional achievement which adds to the CMCC’s position in the Global GoTo Think Tank Report, where the CMCC was cited as one of the most relevant think tank in the world.

“Such initiatives are a great opportunity to assess how our activities are perceived and evaluated by external researchers,” says Antonio Navarra, the president of CMCC. “We are proud to be included in the ICCG ranking because it’s based upon coherent and checkable data.
The complex and accurate criteria used to build the classification take into account the different activities of a climate change research center such as CMCC, an organization which works at the international level and has interdisciplinary programs and activities.”

The International Center for Climate Governance (ICCG), an internationally renowned research center whose research activities focus on the design of climate policy and governance, has built up the 2012 ICCG Climate Think Tank Ranking using solid quantitative and analytical data. The data search has been conducted in a composite manner: through a survey launched on January 2013 to 260 think tanks included in the ICCG Think Tank Map, as well as through the search of available data on the official websites of a selection of the most renowned think tanks, and on the websites of International Organisations responsible for climate change economics and policy (i.e. IPCC, UNFCCC, EU).

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