Costa Concordia: CMCC takes part in the operations

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The CMCC, in collaboration with INGV and UNIBO, has given its support to Italian Coast Guard in the parbuckling operation of the Costa Concordia.
CMCC provides in particular real-time bulletins of oil spill drifting to simulate and predict the transport and weathering of an oil spill from the ship cruise. CMCC used MEDSLIK – II  oil spill model to provide simulations of possible dispersal modelling of pollutants. MEDSLIK – II utilizes as input MyOcean (the Mediterranean forecasting system developed by INGV) Mediterranean currents forecasts, and the high-resolution relocatable model developed by the UNIBO.


CMCC researchers at work








Note: A relocatable model is a high-resolution oceanographic model nested in a low-resolution mother model. It can be nested in a very short time (1-2 days) and can be used in an emergency to provide high-resolution products, such as currents.

More information about the parbuckling salvage operations of the Costa Concordia and CMCC’s support for Italian Coast Guard:

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