IMMERSE user remote workshop on interfaces

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On April 5, 2019, Stefania Ciliberti, CMCC researcher at OPA – Ocean Predictions and Applications Division, Michela De Dominicis (National Oceanography Center), Yann Drillet (Mercator Ocean International), James Harle (National Oceanography Center), Jeff Polton (National Oceanography Center) and Laura Stefanizzi, CMCC researcher at OPA – Ocean Predictions and Applications Division, held the CMCC webinar “IMMERSE User Remote Workshop on Interfaces” to present the general objectives of the IMMERSE project, the Copernicus Marine Environment and Monitoring Service (CMEMS) and Data and Information Access Services (DIAS) platforms and to get feedbacks, through a questionnaire, from the users’ audience in order to refine, assess and consolidate the IMMERSE Interfaces High Level Architecture.

More information here. 

Watch the video:


  • Stefania Ciliberti – Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici
  • Michela De Dominicis – National Oceanography Center
  • Yann Drillet – Mercator Ocean International
  • James Harle – National Oceanography Center
  • Jeff Polton – National Oceanography Center
  • Laura Stefanizzi – Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici

Dorotea Iovino – Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici

Download the webinar presentation (pdf).

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