CMCC-BIOECON Webinar: “Improving the design of Payment for Ecosystem Services Schemes”

Presenter: Nicholas Hanley, Professor of Environmental and One Health Economics at the University of Glasgow, Scotland

Moderator: Jaroslav Mysiak, Director of the RAAS Division, Fondazione CMCC – Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici

In the recent years, Payment for Ecosystem Service (PES) has entered international forums and earned higher visibility. In this webinar, the speaker is going to analyze five recent innovations in improving the design of PES schemes. These are:

  • methods to encourage spatial coordination of participation
  • encouraging participation by groups rather than individuals
  • the use of behavioural mechanisms to encourage participation
  • the idea of paying for environmental outcomes, rather than management actions and
  • tradeable biodiversity offset schemes.

Economists have worked with ecologists to understand how effective these different ideas could be in improving the cost-effectiveness and environmental performance of PES schemes around the world. Professor Nick Hanley will summarise some of their insights.

12:30 pm – Welcome and intro – Jaroslav Mysiak – CMCC@Ca’Foscari
12:35 pm – Presenter’s talk – Nicholas Hanley – University of Glasgow
1:05 pm – Q&A
1:20 pm – End of Webinar

Working language: English

The seminar will be broadcasted via Go-to-Webinar.
Please, click on the following link for registration:

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Nick Hanley is Professor of Environmental and One Health Economics at the University of Glasgow, Scotland. Prior to this position he held chairs at the universities of St Andrews, Stirling and Edinburgh. He main research interests right now are the design of PES schemes; behavioural economics; one health methods and concepts; the economics of invasive species; and choice modelling. He is co-author of three textbooks in environmental economics.



When and Where

Webinar, h. 12:30 pm CEST - Webinar, h. 12:30 pm CEST -

17 Jul 2018

Contacts Organized by
  • CMCC - Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici
  • BIOECON - BIOdiversity and Economics for Conservation Network

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