Transizione energetica, diseguaglianze, economia e politiche climatiche: i nostri eventi virtuali a EAERE 2021

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Il nostro contributo al programma della 26a Conferenza Annuale dell’Associazione Europea degli Economisti dell’Ambiente e delle Risorse Naturali, che si terrà dal 23 al 25 giugno. Prendi parte ai nostri eventi online! Le registrazioni sono aperte fino al 21 giugno 2021.

La 26a Conferenza Annuale dell’European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE)di cui la Fondazione CMCC gestisce il segretariato, si terrà dal 23 al 25 giugno 2021 online.

Il programma dettagliato della conferenza è disponibile sulla piattaforma Anymeets. Saranno presentati 580 paper scientifici in circa 160 sessioni tra Plenarie, Parallele, Policy Sessions e Thematic Sessions.

I ricercatori di RFF-CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment (EIEE) e della divisione Economic analysis of Climate Impacts and Policy (ECIP) del CMCC terranno una Keynote Lecture (25 giugno), co-organizzeranno una Policy Session (25 giugno) e presenteranno i loro paper in sessioni tematiche e parallele (23 e 25 giugno). Scopri il nostro contributo al programma della 26a Conferenza Annuale EAERE e partecipa ai nostri eventi!



25 June 2021, h 03:30 PM – 05:00 PM CEST

David Pearce Lecture: What can Environmental Economics Contribute to the Energy Transition Debate? The Complex Landscape of Integrated Assisted Modelling

Keynote lecturer: Valentina Bosetti

More information


25 June 2021, h 05:30 PM – 07:30 PM CEST

Policy Session (RFF-CMCC-EDF): Policies to support workers and communities in the transition to clean energy economies in the US and the EU – one year later

Organizer: Elena Verdolini

Panelists: I. Petrescu; W. Look; M. Dumas; H. Brauers; E. Verdolini; F. Mailleaux

More information


23 June 2021, h 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM CEST

Paper presentation: Macroeconomic implications of climate change in the EU: a country and sub-national assessment

Francesco Bosello, Ramiro Parrado, Gabriele Standardi

On the Thematic Session “Advances in the macroeconomic assessment of climate change impacts


24 June 2021, h 12:30 PM – 02:30 PM CEST

Paper presentation: Net Zero Emission Pathways Reduce the Physical and Economic Risks of Climate Change

Laurent Drouet, Valentina Bosetti, Massimo Tavoni, Johannes Emmerling

On the Parallel Session “Tipping point and forecasts


25 June 2021, h 05:30 PM – 07:30 PM CEST

Paper presentation: A lab in the (track and) field? The effect of air pollution on physical performance: Evidence from sports competitions

Francesco Granella

On the Parallel Session “Health and Pollution II”


25 June 2021, h 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM CEST

Paper presentation: Air-Conditioning and the Adaptation Cooling Deficit in Emerging Economies

Enrica De Cian, Davide Marinella, Paula Bezerra, Roberto Schaeffer, Filippo Pavanello, Malcolm Mistry, Talita Borges, André Lucena, Dattakiran Jagu, Sebastian Renner

On the Parallel Session “Energy Efficiency


25 June 2021, h 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM CEST

Paper presentation: Local and Global Experience Curves for Lumpy and Granular Energy Technologies in Korea

Yeong Jae Kim, Donghyun Choi

On the Parallel Session “Financing Energy


25 June 2021, h 05:30 PM – 07:30 PM CEST

Paper presentation: Inequality and growth impacts from climate change – insights from South Africa

Johannes Emmerling, Shouro Dasgupta, Soheil Shayegh

On the Parallel Session “Poverty and environment”


25 June 2021, h 05:30 PM – 07:30 PM CEST

Paper presentation: Heterogeneous transition expectations and capital investment choice

Emanuele Campiglio

On the Parallel Session “Pathways for energy transition”

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