ClimRisk2020: Time for Action! Raising the ambition of climate action in the age of global emergencies

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS – SISC 8th Annual Conference | 21-23 October, 2020

Extended deadline for abstracts submission!
by 24 July 2020


“ClimRisk2020: Time for Action! Raising the ambition of climate action in the age of global emergencies” is the title of the SISC 8th Annual Conference, taking place on October 21st-23rd.

Due to the COVID-19 virus, all sessions of “ClimRisk2020: Time for Action!” will be held exclusively online.
The Conference aims at connecting leading scientists, researchers, economists, practitioners, business leaders, and policy makers, whose activities are focused on different aspects of climate change, its impacts and related policies.
The Conference is an important interdisciplinary platform for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of science and management of climate change.


The Call for abstracts is now open

Deadline to submit the abstract of papers on the following topics is July 17th, 2020.


  1. Climate trends: changes in means and extreme events in observations, simulations and projections.
  2. Predicting the evolution of the Earth system.
  3. Glaciers, ice sheets, sea–ice: climate of the past and future tipping points.
  4. Climate related impacts on natural and human systems.
  5. Risks and adaptation options in a warmer world.
  6. Urban areas: assessing, predicting and managing the current and future risk.
  7. Climate services and their potential to support adaptation and risk management.
  8. Climate policies and transition pathways in the context of sustainable development.
  9. Climate action: societal transformations and behaviours.
  10. Mitigation technologies for ambitious climate targets.


The abstract (maximum 8,000 characters including spaces) should be submitted online in English, no later than July 17th, 2020. Abstracts not responding to this criteria will not be considered. Authors are requested to choose the type of presentation (oral presentation or poster) catering for their preference.


The best poster presented at the Conference will be recognized with the Best Poster Award.

The Conference Scientific Committee is in charge of the selection.


A Book of Abstracts identified by an ISBN code will be published in the SISC website after the Conference.


Conference Registration Fees

Would you like to attend to the conference?
No registration will be necessary for this year’s conference: online sessions will be available for all those interested.
No fee will be charged and SISC membership is not requested.

Have you got an accepted paper/poster?
To be included in the programme, the SISC membership in the year 2020 is mandatory no later than September 16th, 2020 for presenters of accepted paper/poster.
In addition a small registration fee will be applied to contribute to the costs for the online platform. At the moment this information is not available, and it will be confirmed when the notification will be sent out.

About SISC Membership
SISC Annual membership (Until Dec 2020): FULL €50.00 or REDUCED €20.00
Further details on the SISC memberships are available here.

Important dates

24 Jul 2020: deadline for submission of abstracts
7 Sep 2020: notification of acceptance
16 Sep 2020: deadline for online registration for presenters
23 Sep 2020: Preliminary programme
21-23 Oct 2020: 8th SISC Annual Conference



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