Jose Maria Costa Saura obtained a BSC/MSC in Forest Engineering at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain). He also has a Master degree in Biodiversity (Unversidad de Valencia, Spain) and a PhD in Agrometeorology and Ecophysiology from the Università di Sassari (Italy). His research interests cover trait based approaches for species distribution, community assemblage, ecosystem functioning and climate change impacts assessment. He is also interested on innovative methods to assess land crop suitability and fire risk. Indeed, he has strong skills on statistics and a long experience developing numerical tools in R language. He also has a long experience harmonising data from different sources such as forest inventories, remote sensing scenes, phenological records, climate ensembles and text files. Through several positions in Chile, Italy, Switzerland and Spain, he managed and experienced many commitments, interactions, communications and presentations with many diverse working groups. His combined experience working in public/academic institutions and private companies allow him to understand user needs and progress in results dissemination.
- Assessing climate risk for cereals and livestock to inform adaptation planning at regional and local scale
- Modeling Phenological Phases across Olive Cultivars in the Mediterranean
- OFIDIA2: An Operational Platform for Fire Danger Prevention and Monitoring
- Co-design of sectoral climate services based on seasonal prediction information in the Mediterranean
- Performances of climatic indicators from seasonal forecasts for ecosystem management: The case of Central Europe and the Mediterranean
- Empirical models for spatio-temporal live fuel moisture content estimation in mixed mediterranean vegetation areas using sentinel-2 indices and meteorological data
- Climate change impacts on phenology and yield of hazelnut in Australia
- A height-wood-seed axis which is preserved across climatic regions explains tree dominance in European forest communities