Guidi Caterina

Edificio Porta dell'Innovazione - Piano 2 - via della Libertà 12 - 30175 Venezia Marghera (VE), Italy

Caterina was a Scientia PhD Scholar at the University of New South Wales (UNSW). Her research area focused on Climate Change and International Protection of Biodiversity. Her research project examined legal and policy frameworks for the sustainable management of forests and resilience of forests to climate change in Australia. She holds a Master’s Degree in International Development Cooperation and Project Design from Sapienza University of Rome and a Master’s Degree in Law from University of Bologna.

Caterina has completed her Italian Legal Training in the areas of environmental, administrative, private and corporate law. She has published articles on transdisciplinary topics with various experts and scholars in both national and international journals.

She has previously conducted research for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and for the European Biomass Industry Association. Caterina has presented her research findings in both national and international conferences. She has taught ‘Natural Resources Law’ and ‘International Environmental Law’. She has assisted with a large-scale project on tropical primary forests and climate change.

Caterina has recently assisted with the development of the course in ‘Sustainability and World Agricultural Heritage Systems’.

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