Masina Marinella

Edificio Porta dell'Innovazione - Piano 2 - via della Libertà 12 - 30175 Venezia Marghera (VE), Italy

Marinella Masina received a Master degree in Civil Engineering, sector Hydraulics, and a doctoral (Ph.D.) degree in Earth Sciences from the University of Ferrara. Her main research interests include: analysis of coastal hazards induced by storm events, tsunamis and meteotsunamis; numerical modeling of hydrodynamics and beach profile evolution; analysis of saltwater intrusion processes and their impact on crop production; numerical modeling for estimating the water balance components and investigating soil water and salt dynamics; use of satellite data for crop development monitoring, water and salt stress
detection in plants and evapotranspiration estimation.
Now at CMCC@Ca’Foscari, her research focuses on the development of methodologies for multi-hazard impact and risk assessment.

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