100 minutes of STEAM+ | Innovating STE(A)M in Higher Education with Transdisciplinary Talent Programs

Friday, October 28th, 2022
12.00 pm + 100 minutes (online)
Target audience: Anyone interested in Higher Education in Europe
Hosted by Collegio Internazionale Ca’ Foscari, Italy

This Workshop aims at sharing with all the actors of Higher Education and society viewpoints and expectations about the importance of transdisciplinarity in higher education and the role of policy makers and academic institutions to foster innovation in present and future European society.

There will be a round table with two short presentations and two interactive sessions to collect ideas and advice.

The event will be recorded: participants acknowledge their consent by entering the meeting.


Meeting ID: 839 8795 5924
Passcode: K8T6QS

  • 12.00 | Welcome by Luca Corazzini, Ca’Foscari University Venice, Italy
    What is the STEAM+ Project? Meeting Aim and lexicon
  • 12.15 | Maria Cristina Origlia, President Forum della Meritocrazia, IlSole24ore Journalist
    Merit, Higher Education and European Society
  • 12.30 | Mix the ingredients: Formats of Transdisciplinary Education
  • 12. 50 | Sum up and next steps
  • 13.00 | Change Perspective: What if you were a..? (breakout room exercise) 13.20 Voices from the rooms
  • 13.30 | Wrap up: Contributions and networks to develop
  • 13.40 | Bye bye


The STEAM+ project uses transdisciplinary talent programs such as the Collegio Internazionale Ca’ Foscari as laboratories of innovation in higher education (HE).
Talent programs in Europe take a variety of forms and are rooted differently in various EU countries. Many universities and higher education institutes, especially in South-West Europe are planning to implement talent programs as a source of innovation and countries that already experience them are reflecting on their effectiveness and evolution.

Co-creating innovative solutions with the help of students, teachers and social, institutional representatives is the main method adopted.
Transdisciplinarity is the key word to foster new perspectives.
One of the main aims is to contribute to the development of consciousness and debate both among the national Higher Education Institutions and among policy makers and social partners.

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