Climate change and gender pay gap in South Africa

Webinar | July 17, 2019 – h. 12:30 pm CEST

Shouro Dasgupta, RFF-CMCC European Institute of Environmental Economics, Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (ECIP Division) and Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy

Arthur Hrast Essenfelder, Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (RAAS Division) and Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy

Climate change has a major impact on productivity of different economic sectors and demographic groups. Women in developing countries are in particular more exposed to the adverse effects of climate change ranging from temperature increase, heat waves, sea-level rise, and the reduction in agricultural resources. We study the crucial linkage between climate change and availability of low-skilled female labor in South Africa. We compile a large dataset comprising five waves of a comprehensive longitudinal national survey to derive marginal impacts of rising temperatures on labor availability and wages. We develop an analytical model of overlapping generations to study the long-term impacts of future climate and socioeconomic changes on labor supply and the pay gap between male and female labor in South Africa. We find that the gender pay gap among high-skilled labor is quite insensitive to climate change due the nature of industries that employ high-skilled labor. On the contrary, the high exposure of low-skilled labor and specially women to climate change and rising temperatures, reduces the supply of low-skilled labor which in turn, increases the relative wages of this type of labor and reduces the wage gap between male and female labor in the agricultural sector. However, the overall impact of climate change on economy remains negative and the welfare drops by up to 11 percentage point compared to the case with no climate change.

12:30 pm – Welcome and introduction
12.35 pm – Presenter’s talk – Shouro Dasgupta
1:05 pm – Q&A session
1:20 pm – End of webinar

Working language: English

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Fondazione CMCC – Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici
RFF-CMCC – European Institute of Environmental Economics




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