The importance of adaptation planning for coastal areas in relation to the impacts of climate change

1 December 2022, h 10:00 CET
The webinar will be held in Croatian and Italian, with simultaneous translation to English, Croatian and Italian | REGISTER

Daria Povh Škugor and Ivan Sekovski from the UNEP MAP Centre for Priority Activities (PAP/RAC).
Mili Novak from the Regional Development Agency of Split-Dalmatia County (RERA SD).
Roberto Montanari from the Emilia Romagna region (Italy).
Matea Dorčić, head of the administrative department of Tourism and Maritime affairs of Split-Dalmatia County (Croatia).

This is the 2nd webinar of “Thursday CREATivETalks”, the Interreg CREATE project’s serie on the importance of adaptation planning for coastal areas, in relation to the impacts of climate change.
The webinar is aimed at cities, municipalities, counties, development agencies, maritime and coastal economic operators, academic and civil society organisations, and the media.
Across coastal environments, the effects of climate change have already become reality. Whether it is floods from the sea or flash floods, forest fires, droughts or heat waves, the inhabitants of coastal areas and the blue economy are already endangered by the climate crisis.


10:00 – 10:05 | Introducing Thursday CREATivE Talks

10:05 – 10:20 | Five lessons for a successful Coastal Plan

10:20 – 10:35 | Key steps for Coastal Plan preparation (project AdriaAdapt)


10:35- 10:40 | City of Kaštela and the Jadro river basin (Croatia) – COASTGAP, Co-Evolve and CHANGE WE CARE projects

10:40- 10:45 | Emilia-Romagna region (Italy)

10:45- 10:50 | Split-Dalmatia County (Croatia)

10:50 – 11:00 | Q&A


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Interreg V A Italy Croatia Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 under subsidy contract No. 10417055

‘CREATE – Climate Responses for the AdriaTic REGion’ Interreg IT-HR project is the result of cooperation between leading Croatian and Italian institutions and organizations in the field of climate research and activities along the Adriatic coast. By sharing know-how and experience to various target groups – from regional and local authorities, development agencies, academic and business communities, non-governmental organizations, to the general public, the project contributes to the establishment of appropriate measures to deal with current and expected climate changes in the Adriatic region.

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