Panzera Maria Pia

Legal Office, Public Procurement & Compliance

Via Marco Biagi 5 – 73100 Lecce, Italy

+39 0832 1902411

Maria Pia Panzera is in charge of all contracting activities, including PHD financing agreements, in the legal affairs department.
Following her Degree in Law and after PHD on “Economic structures and behaviors”, focused on the juridical regime of the public works concession, she had attorney professional qualification working as Lawyer in partnership “Corinaldesi-Mischi-Panzera” Law Firm in Bologna, with specialization in Administrative Law, especially with regard to issues related to public works contracts, supply contracts and service contracts, Environmental Law and Planning Legislation.

She worked as Contract Professor for ten years in “Università degli Studi di Bologna” – Faculty of Engineering.
She was the Legal Office Head of the Italian Division in CMC Cooperativa Muratori e Cementisti, a big Consortium Company, where she had the coordination of all the juridical activities in Italy. Before starting her working experience in CMCC Foundation, she was responsible for all the legal and administrative activities of Cmcc S.r.l., a service company specialized in the commercialization of Climate Change Solutions.

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