A plan for Apulia decarbonization

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“In the Apulia Region we have two plants to produce energy and steel: the power plant based in Cerano (Brindisi) and the ILVA steel plant located in Taranto, two of the major coal-fired plants in Europe. The impacts for public health and the socio-economic implications in the area are remarkable. Today, gas represents a competitive alternative to replacing coal. We have therefore proposed a plan that will use the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) project to renew our production systems and abandon carbon”. Michele Emiliano, President of Apulia Region, declared this at the 2015 UN Climate Change Conference in Paris (COP21), during the Side Event “Regions and Climate Change: a major challenge for local communities”.
“TAP could be an egg of Columbus and help in decarbonizing the Apulia Region by ten years” using the pipeline to make gas available and fuel both Cerano power plant and ILVA steel plant.
“This solution could update and make our production systems more efficient while leaving carbon in the ground”.

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This video is part of the COP21 Side Event “Regions and Climate Change: a major challenge for local communities” – COP Conference Center, Observer Room 12, Paris – December 10, 2015  – organized by the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change – CMCC in collaboration with the Basque Centre for Climate Change – BC3 and the Italian Society for Climate Sciences – SISC.

Speakers: Antonio Navarra (CMCC), Gian Luca Galletti (Italian Minister of Environment, Land and Sea), Carlo Carraro, IPCC Vice Chair WG III, Donatella Spano (CMCC), Ibon Galarraga (BC3), Francesco Pigliaru (President of Sardinia Region), Nicola Zingaretti (President of Lazio Region), Michele Emiliano (President of Apulia Region), Ana Oregi (Minister for the Environment and Land Use, Basque Government), Ken Alex (Governor’s Senior Advisor and Director of the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, State of California), Hans Bruyninckx (Executive Director, EEA), Riccardo Valentini (Lazio Region, CMCC).

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