Assessing the effect of climate change on geo-hydrological phenomena: the Campania case study

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According to the Italian law 49/2010, implementing the EU Directive 2007/60/CE, potential effect of climate changes on geo-hydrological hazards must be taken into account. To this aim, the Basin Authority of Central Campania (BACC) and REMHI Research Division of CMCC Foundation started a collaboration whose main results are reported in “Hydrological Section” of Geo-hydrological Setting Plan of BACC and widely explained in a study published on the journal “Ingegneria dell’ambiente” (Vol.3 n.1/2016) and entitled “Stima dell’effetto dei cambiamenti climatici sui fenomeni di dissesto geo-idrologici: il caso studio della Campania centrale” (among the authors, CMCC researchers Guido Rianna, Francesco Guarino and Paola Mercogliano).
Firstly, brief remarks about future projected variations, on seasonal scale, for cumulative precipitation and mean temperature estimated through high resolution climate models are provided; after, the performances of the adopted climate models in reproducing the extreme values of subdaily precipitation are investigated; finally, expected changes in subdaily extreme values of precipitation on medium and long time horizon, under two different scenarios are displayed and such results are superimposed to landslide/flood hazard maps currently carried out disregarding the variations in rainfall patterns potentially induced by climate change.
Continue to read in Italian (full version of the article).

Read the integral version of the article:
Rianna G., Iodice L., Fariello L., Guarino F., Mercogliano P. Stima dell’effetto dei cambiamenti climatici sui fenomeni di dissesto geo-idrologici: il caso studio della Campania Centrale, Ingegneria dell’ambiente, Vol.3 n.1/2016,

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