Climate change and sustainable innovation at the next MAGICA Summer School

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A week of knowledge transfer and engaging hands-on activities to find innovative solutions to tackle climate change. Applications for the Summer School of the MAGICA project, coordinated by the CMCC Foundation, are now open.

From July 3 to 7, 2023, the MAGICA Summer School will gather young students passionate about climate change and eager to spend an inspiring week in one of the most innovative hubs in Europe: The H-FARM Campus, in Italy.

The European Union is offering, through the Horizon programme, 20 scholarships for university students, graduates, and postgraduates, between 18 and 22 years old, who are willing to delve into Climate Science, Data Analytics, Data Engineering, and their huge impact on shaping our lives today and tomorrow.

Guided by experts, participants will broaden their knowledge of the crucial role of data engineering and data analytics in studying events related to climate change and developing solutions capable of making a difference.

Students will have the opportunity to participate in an accelerator program to transform their ideas into real climate-focused business projects which will then be presented to a jury of investors and startup founders.

The classes will take place on the H-FARM Campus, a unique place on the outskirts of Venice where students, experts, entrepreneurs and innovators will meet and live in close contact every day. The Campus is self-sufficient for 85% of its energy needs and the use of green means of transport is strongly encouraged throughout the area.

Participants who want to enroll in MAGICA Summer School are required to apply no later than May 31, 2023.

MAGICA (MAximising the synergy of European research Governance and Innovation for Climate Action) is a project coordinated by CMCC Foundation that involves 24 different organizations and is financed by the European Commission under the Horizon European Program. It aims to accelerate the development, provision and exchange of knowledge from research and innovation to inform and support policy-making and climate actions via a better coordination of on-going and future initiatives and a more efficient use of resources. Within the project, a multi-directional dialogue with different relevant social actors (from policy-makers to the younger generation) is enhanced through international conferences, workshops and other innovative formats in order to inform citizens but also to detect the social needs concerning the transition to climate-neutrality and climate science, strengthening a community of practice built on trust, and enabling climate action.

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