#TomorrowIsTooLate: knowledge at the root of the new climate strike

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On the occasion of the climate strike taking place on 3 March 2023, take a look at knowledge behind this climate global event. Resources, readings, podcasts and a quiz to test yourself. Because tomorrow is too late.

On March 3, 2023, a new Global Climate Strike is taking place, with activists asking to “End Fossil Finance because #TomorrowIsTooLate“. Since knowledge is the backbone of an alliance that spans the farthest corners of the planet to the laboratories of the most advanced scientific research, we offer on this page a selection of the latest contents produced by CMCC as a guide to go in depth in the hot topic of this climate strike: #TomorrowIsTooLate.


Why is tomorrow too late? Read about the concept of Carbon budget to discover how much CO2 can still be released into the atmosphere to limit global warming to a maximum of 1.5°C and 2°C and how much time is left in each scenario. Discover how it is possible to build a zero-carbon world and, at the same time, guarantee sustainable development and well-being prospects by decoupling emissions from economic growth.

What if time runs out before the Paris Agreement targets are met? Find out the risks of a Climate overshoot.

How should finance be reshaped? Explore our guide to understanding the importance of finance for the climate transition and read about how climate change is impacting finance through the concept of the Climatization of Finance


In the last few years, thanks to many organisations, movements and active people, the climate crisis is being recognised and there is a stronger common effort to design and apply concrete solutions at the local and global levels. Listen to our podcast “Power to the communities” where we explore the terrain where science meets civil society that triggers climate action, with stories of people in the Global South where natural resources ‘are being used as a weapon’.

Dive into the complex world of climate litigation. Explore how science can inform climate justice through the voices of a scientist and a lawyer – both fighting for human rights and environmental justice. Listen to the podcast “Climate on trial“.


Climate change is a complex and serious issue. It is not easy to understand and solve it, because the Earth’s climate depends on many factors. How much do you know about it? Are you ready for the challenge? Go to the quiz

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