Words matter

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A conversation with Laura Caciagli

From the many kilometers traveled by bike to the stream of words in her beloved books. Get to know with Paola Flaminio, working at the project office in Lecce.

What’s your job at the CMCC Foundation?
I work in the project office in Lecce, dealing with project reporting and management control, that is with all the “numbers” related to a project.

Which road led you to CMCC?
The road home. I traveled for many years before coming back to Lecce; at a certain moment in my life I felt that it was time to stop and come back to my loved ones; CMCC was looking for a fluent foreign language speaker exactly in that period: I seized the opportunity and I sent in my application.

Is your current job the one you had dreamed of when you were a child?
Obviously not, I don’t think that any child dreams of working in the administrative field. I would have liked to become a showbiz hairstylist: this was my objective when I was a child. Later, growing up, I set that dream aside.

Could you tell us the most beautiful moment in your life at CMCC?
The first audit by the European Commission. I’ve been working at CMCC from its inception, and we were all involved when the audit was announced; even me, even though I was not yet working in the project office. I remember how emotional and how proud we were  of the positive results.

What’s on your workstation?

Biscuits and chocolate! They’re always on my desk; my colleagues appreciate them too and contribute to my supply. Recently, I also have a photo of my son Zeno, the other sweet note of my life.

What’s the ritual never missing in your work day?

Coffee in the morning with all the administrative staff. Ten minutes for a quiet chat that is essential to put me in the right mood to confront my work day.

How do you travel to work?

I bring Zeno to nursery school by car, then I pick up my motor scooter and I go to work. I used to take long walks before Zeno’s birth. I liked going to work by bike or by foot: this allowed me time to let go of work anxieties and relax, just listening to the radio and music.

What do you do in your spare time?
Spare time? At the moment all my spare time is dedicated to Zeno, who is a child demanding close attention. If I had some spare time, I would like to exercise again, read and listen to music. I like cycling (I like all outdoor activities) and I’m a voracious reader of novels.

Cinema or literature: give us a title and explain why you chose it.
“Non ti muovere” (“Don’t move”) by Margaret Mazzantini: the book (and movie, too) of my life. It changed something inside me. I read this book many years ago in high school, and I can say it changed my approach as a reader. I realized that the most important thing is the way a story is told; since then, I’ve been choosing books based on their style. It also changed my interest in people: I become fascinated by the ability of certain people to depict themselves by words. Words have definitely taken on a different sense.

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