From data to policy: how can science contribute to the reporting and verification needs under the Paris Agreement?

COP25 UN Side event
Madrid, 5 December, 2019 – h. 14:30‐16:00 CET
Room Helsinki, EU Pavilion

The Paris Agreement framework requires a robust contribution from the scientific community, in building confidence on the accuracy of current GHG trends and in assessing the collective progress towards the long temperature goal. Starting from an overview of the reporting and verification requirements under the Paris Agreement, this event illustrates how science is contributing in terms of data, methods, independent estimates and future benchmark scenarios, with a focus on the most complex and uncertain among the GHG sectors: Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses (AFOLU).


  • Lucia Perugini (CMCC) – Reporting and verification needs under the Paris Agreement
  • Fabio Monforti (European Commission, JRC) – 2019 EDGAR report on Fossil CO2 and GHG emissions of all world countries
  • Sandro Federici (IPCC TSU, Task Force on GHG inventories) – 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines: updates for AFOLU sector
  • Martin Herold (Wageningen University) Satellite time series for national reporting and tracking performance
  • Jo House (Bristol University) – Greenhouse Gas Emissions and removals from Agriculture forestry and other land uses in recent and upcoming IPCC reports
  • Giacomo Grassi (European Commission, JRC) – Reconciling differences in anthropogenic land CO2 fluxes between global models and GHG inventories for the purpose of the Global Stocktake

More information about this COP25 side event.

Organized by

Joint Research Center (JRC) and European Commission

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