Salinas Mario

Via Marco Biagi 5 – 73100 Lecce, Italy

+39 0832 1902411

Mario Leonardo Salinas obtained his Master’s degree in Computer Science – Data Science and Technologies curriculum – at the University of Pisa, with honors.

He presented a thesis entitled: “ Visualizing Citation and Authorship Relations for Finding Reviewers”. In this work he developed a big-data-visualization-platform which facilitates the selection of reviewers.
He also authored both a conference and journal paper on this subject.

Before joining CMCC in 2020, he worked as a software engineer in the R&D division at Nextworks s.r.l., where he studied and deployed, in the contex of european projects, NFV&SDN architectures and AI/ML solutions in a micro-services environment.

During his first year in CMCC he worked on advanced statistical analysis and modeling of CO2 emission data.

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