Maritime Spatial Planning in a changing climate | Thursday CREATivE Talks #4

Thursday CREATivE Talks #4
9 February 2023 at 11:00 am CET
Language: English, with simultaneous translation to Croatian and Italian

The webinar will be held via the ZOOM platform | Registration link

Photo credit: M. Mandic, IBM


Margaretha Breil, Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change (CMCC, Italy) and coordinator of CREATE will introduce the project goals and activities.

Catarina Frazao SantosUniversity of Lisbon (Portugal) will frame the nexus between climate change and MSP.

Emiliano RamieriNational Research Council – Institute of Marine Science (Italy).

Vesna Marohnić Kuzmanovićspatial planner and architect from Croatia will illustrate how climate change is approached in the Italian and Croatian MSP planning processes.

The webinar is aimed at cities and municipalities, counties, regions, marine and maritime authorities, maritime and coastal economic operators, academia and civil society organisations.

As an integrated process, Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) aims to cope with the increasing demand for marine space and resources from traditional (e.g., maritime transport, tourism, fisheries) and emerging sectors (e.g., sustainable aquaculture, offshore renewable energy, blue bio-economy), while preserving marine ecosystems and their services. MSP implies the reduction and mitigation of impacts on the environment, resolution of conflicts and exploitation of synergies among different sectors. Being a long-term and far-reaching process, MSP should take climate change into consideration in several ways – by assessing direct and indirect impacts of climate change on the environment and the maritime sectors, providing space for offshore renewable energy production, advancing other mitigation measures (including “blue carbon” initiatives), supporting climate-proofing of maritime sectors and the implementation of coastal and marine adaptation measures.


11:00 – 11:05 | Introducing CREATE cluster project, Margaretha Breil, CMCC


11:05 – 11:20| Maritime Spatial Planning – Climate Change nexus, Catarina Frazao Santos, University of Lisbon

11:20 – 11:35| Integrating climate change in MSPITALY, Emiliano Ramieri, National Research Council – Institute of Marine Science

11:35 – 11:50 |Integrating climate change in MSPCROATIA, Vesna Marohnić Kuzmanović, spatial planner and architect

11:50 – 12:00 | Q & A


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Interreg V A Italy Croatia Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 under subsidy contract No. 10417055

CREATE – Climate Responses for the AdriaTic REGion’ Interreg IT-HR project is the result of cooperation between leading Croatian and Italian institutions and organizations in the field of climate research and activities along the Adriatic coast. By sharing know-how and experience to various target groups – from regional and local authorities, development agencies, academic and business communities, non-governmental organizations, to the general public, the project contributes to the establishment of appropriate measures to deal with current and expected climate changes in the Adriatic region.

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