Cocetta Francesco

via C. Berti Pichat 6/2 - 40127 Bologna, Italy

(+39) 051 0301600

Francesco Cocetta’s research activity at the CMCC aims to implement new numerical schemes and updated physics (embedded in version V4.2 of the NEMO ocean global model)  in the high-resolution GLOB16 configuration.

Francesco is completing his PhD in computational fluid dynamics at Loughborough University. The research focused on numerical developments of nonhydrostatic unstructured mesh models used to solve engineering and atmospheric flows, such as orographic flows and stratified flows past multiple spheres.
These benchmarks allow the validation of computational developments aiming to accelerate the existing unstructured mesh based codes.

He holds a MSc Degree in Physics from the University of Trieste, where he followed the Earth and Environmental Physics curriculum. During this time, he performed a study on atmospheric boundary layer quantities, and was supported by the ARPA FVG.

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