Michielin Davide

Edificio Porta dell'Innovazione - Piano 2 - via della Libertà 12 - 30175 Venezia Marghera (VE), Italia

Davide Michielin is journalist and science writer. He holds a MSc in Environmental Biology (Università di Trieste, 2011) and a postgraduate master in Science Communication (SISSA, 2016). In 2022 he joined the IPSO Division of CMCC Foundation – Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change, where he deals with editorial, communication and outreach activities.

Since 2015, as a journalist, he has been collaborating with «la Repubblica» and «Le Scienze» and, occasionally, with other Italian magazines. From 2017 to 2022 Michielin has managed social accounts of Italian media such as «La Stampa», «Green&Blue» and «Salute». From 2018 to 2021 he has been the head of the communication of Europa Donna Italia, the Italian branch of the European Breast Cancer Coalition.

Michielin authored the volume about environment of children’s encyclopaedia «Adesso lo so!» (Editoriale Scienza, 2022). Moreover, he is one of the founders of «Radar», an independent magazine focused on environmental issues, and he is the lecturer of the Biology class at the master in Science Communication of the Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele.

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