Sangelantoni Lorenzo

via C. Berti Pichat 6/2 - 40127 Bologna, Italy

Lorenzo Sangelantoni is a junior scientist at CMCC Climate Variability and Prediction (CLIVAP) Division.

His research background is mainly focused on regional-scale climate modelling including statistical and dynamical downscaling. He has several years of experience in running dynamically downscaled simulations with RegCM and WRF numerical models at different temporal horizons.

Recently, his research has been mainly focused on very high-resolution regional climate modeling in the context of the CORDEX flagship pilot study on convection thanks to a collaboration with the NORCE/Bjerknes Center (Bergen, Norway). Here, he is exploring land-atmosphere interactions during temperature extremes and heatwaves. From 2019 to 2022 he has been teaching regional climate modelling as an assistant professor in the Atmospheric Dynamics course of the International Master’s degree in Atmospheric Science and Technology (Sapienza University of Rome and University of L’Aquila).

At CMCC he is involved in performing and assessing CMCC fully coupled global climate model historical and future simulations; defining and implementing Python codes (Jupyter Notebooks) to compute global- and regional-scale climate model diagnostics (ECMWF C3S2_520 contract); leading WP1 in the ECMWF C3S2_413 contract aimed at implementing extratropical cyclones detecting/tracking algorithms.

Recent publications

Ricchi A, Sangelantoni L, Redaelli G, et al (2023) Impact of the SST and topography on the development of a large-hail storm event, on the Adriatic Sea. Atmospheric Research 296:

Sangelantoni L, Sobolowski S, Lorenz T, Hodnebrog Ø, Cardoso RM, Soares PMM, Ferretti R, Lavín‑Gullón A, Fernandez J, Goergen K, Milovac J, Katragkou E, Kartsios S, Coppola E, Pichelli E, Adinolfi M, Mercogliano P, Berthou S, de Vries H, Dobler A, Belušić D, Feldmann H, Tölle M. Bastin S (2023) Investigating the representation of heatwaves from an ensemble of km-scale regional climate simulations within CORDEX-FPS Convection. Climate Dynamics.

Karypidou M, Sobolowski S P, Sangelantoni L, Nikulin G, and Katragkou E, (2023) The impact of lateral boundary forcing in the CORDEX-Africa ensemble over southern Africa. Geosci. Model Dev.

Bonaldo D, Bellafiore D, Ferrarin C, Ferretti R, Ricchi A, Sangelantoni L, Vitelletti ML (2023) The summer 2022 drought: a taste of future climate for the Po valley (Italy)? Reg Environ Chang 23:1–6.

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