Festival dello Sviluppo Sostenibile: all the CMCC events on the agenda

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The CMCC Foundation participates in the event “Festival dello sviluppo sostenibile” (21 May – 6 June) with many initiatives.

Download the brochure.

Explore all the events:

14 May 2019 – Capua, Italy – Il servizio climatico CLIME: una piattaforma web per l’analisi e utilizzo multi-utente dei dati climatici
CLIME is a climate service developed by CMCC REMHI Division with the main goal to manage climate data, link climate and impact studies and assist a wide users’ range.
It is a user-friendly interactive web platform allowing users to evaluate multiple features of simulated and observed data over different geographical domains having local, national and continental extension. Since many years, CLIME service is used in several national and international projects and scientific publications for the realization of post processing analysis including high-level quality maps. Working language: Italian. Read more.

16 May 2019 – Venice, Italy – Do energy efficiency standards hurt consumers? Evidence from household appliance sales
Researchers built novel welfare-based price indices for major household appliances that leverage changes in same-model prices and how consumers substitute between exiting, continuing and new models. They then evaluated how minimum energy efficiency requirements and changing criteria for Energy Star labels affected these indices in the US between 2001 and 2011, a period of time when some appliances experienced standard changes while others did not. Read more.

Arlan Brucal – Research officer (postdoctoral) at the London School of Economics, Grantham Research Institute for Climate Change and the Environment (GRI). PhD from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, BS and MA from the University of the Philippines.
Introduced by:
Enrica De Cian – Associate Professor in environmental economics at Ca’ Foscari Unversity of Venice (Italy) and ERC Starting Grant grantee with the project ENERGYA – Energy use for Adaptation.

20-24 May 2019 – Venice, Italy – ComunicAzione! Lezioni e laboratory su tutte le forme del comunicare
An event organized by the CMCC Foundation, University Ca’ Foscari and Pleiadi Science Farmer for kids focused on communication. Working language: Italian. Read more.

21 May 2019 – Milan, Italy – Urban road pricing and the environment. Lessons from Milan and London
A workshop will discuss the environmental impacts of urban policies for two major cities with important road pricing policies and severe environmental problems: Milano and London. Read more.

22 May 2019 – Naples, Italy – COME CAMBIA LA CITTÀ Cambiamenti climatici e sviluppo urbano: strumenti di supporto all’adattamento locale
Scientists and policy makers meet in Naples to illustrate the most urgent challenges and take stock of current knowledge and future perspectives to achieve a sustainable development for our cities. 
Working language: Italian. Read more here.

28 May 2019 – Milan, Italy – Storie di un clima che cambia
An event organized by the CMCC Foundation, Italian Climate Network, University of Milan and Greenpeace. Working language: Italian. Read more.
14:30 – Momento Scuole with Serena Giacomin, Luca Pardi and Agata Azzolin
16:00 – “Winter is (not) coming”, a show with a talk, music and videos.
wth Stefano Caserini, Ugo Bardi, Jacopo Visani. Luca Iacoboni, Elena Verodlini and Enzo Favoino.
Music: Daniele Mazzoni e Andrea Salvadé

28 May 2019 – Sassari, Italy – Exploiting forest biodiversity to increase CO2 sequestration
A seminar held by CMCC researcher Simone Mereu (IAFES Division) presenting the results of Treedivnet network.

30 May 2019 – Lecce, Italy – Oceani di Plastica
A day focused on marine litter and plastic pollution, with the organization of a beach clean-up. An event for high school students organized by the CMCC Foundation, WWF, University of Salento and Unesco. Working language: Italian. Read more.

31 May 2019 – Bologna, Italy – La giornata del clima (VII Edizione)
An event organized by Show-Room Energia e Ambiente of the Municipality of Bologna involving high school students from Bologna and researchers and experts of the CMCC Foundation and University of Bologna. Working language: Italian. Read more.

11 June 2019 – Venice, Italy  – Climate change and transition: unawareness, water and capital

11 June 2019 – Milan, Italy – Climate Policies and Strategies: what shall we do to accelerate action

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