Future Earth Research School (FERS) course on “Sea Level Rise and Coastal Adaptation”

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From 9 to 20 October 2023, 21 people from 11 countries worldwide are attending the Future Earth Research School (FERS) course on “Sea Level Rise and Coastal Adaptation”. Many CMCC experts, including Nadia Pinardi, member of the CMCC Strategic Council and Simona Masina, Director of the Institute for Earth System Predictions of the CMCC, are part of the outstanding  faculty. 

Sea level rise is one of the most pressing challenges posed by climate change, with significant implications for coastal communities worldwide. The Future Earth Research School (FERS) course on “Sea Level Rise and Coastal Adaptation” is taking place in Bertinoro (FC), Italy, from 9 to 20 October 2023. The new edition of the school will dive into the causes and impacts of sea level variations associated with climate change.The class is composed of 21 participants, including PhD students, researchers and workers in their thirties, coming from 11 countries worldwide. A distinguished group of experts will help the students dissect the issue while envisioning adaptation strategies based on real-life case studies.

The distinguished scientists and practitioners will be led by Dr. Begoña Pérez Gómez, physical oceanographer and currently Head of the Harbour Oceanography Department at Ports of Spain. Her work focuses on sea level changes at different timescales from an operational perspective, looking at how to implement information about sea level rise into emergency systems for coastal protection.

Among the experts’ streams of research we find wave hydrodynamics, complex and forecasting systems, coastal modeling, seafloor geology and much more. With scientists from Germany, Spain and Italy, the FERS staff represents a diverse range of ocean research fields. The outstanding  faculty will be composed by Javier López Lara, Full Professor at the University of Cantabria (UC) and Head of the Climate Risks, Adaptation and Resilience Group of IHCantabria; Simona Masina, physical oceanographer with a Ph.D. from Princeton University, Director of the Institute for Earth System Predictions of the Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change Foundation (CMCC); Sara Morucci, physicist with a Ph.D. in Non-Linear Dynamics and Complex Systems and Researcher at ISPRA since 2001; Nadia Pinardi, Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Harvard University and Full Professor of Oceanography at the University of Bologna; Johannes Pein, Ph.D. in Marine Environmental Sciences from the University of Oldenburg and scientist at the Institute of Coastal Systems, Analysis and Modelling, Hereon Research Center, Geesthacht, Germany; Claudia Romagnoli, Associate Professor of Stratigraphic Geology and Sedimentology at the University of Bologna, Department of Biological Sciences, Geology and Environment (BiGeA); Agustín Sánchez-Arcilla, Ph.D. in Civil Engineering and full professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DECA) of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia; Gianandrea Mannarini, senior scientist at CMCC;  Vittoria Mencarini, architect with a post-graduate Master of Landscape Architecture and a Ph.D. in Landscape Architecture, working at the Municipality of Ravenna in the Naturalistic Area Office; Ivan Federicoscientist at CMCC, Francesco Trotta, scientist at CMCC, Giorgia Verri,  scientist at CMCC.

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Have a look at the course program

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