FERS – Future Earth Research School

The Future Earth Research School aims at providing high-level scientific courses that help researchers understand and anticipate future global environmental challenges in the more general context of sustainability and climate change.

28 months from 01/09/2021 to 21/12/2023
Funded by
  • Regione Emilia-Romagna

Coordinating organization
  • CMCC - Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici

CMCC Scientific Leader
CMCC Project manager
CMCC Institutes

CMCC Divisions

General objectives

The mission of the project is to create a research school on the general field of sustainability that can provide transversal tools to face global future challenges. The school offers a unique opportunity for up-and-coming researchers and international experts to work together and share experiences on different multidisciplinary aspects of research, building a fertile ground for innovation and new research pathways.

CMCC role

The CMCC Foundation will be responsible for the management and coordination of the school.


  • Organize a two-year high-level educational path focused on planet’s future social and environmental challenges.
  • Encourage and promote discussion and interactive activities such as group works and visits to sites linked to the field of research and innovation among the Emilia Romagna Region.
  • Organize a competition between participants which will include the presentation of a project work at the end of each course.
  • Collect and edit all the material used by the school’s faculty in order to create an online publication within a high-value scientific collection.

Expected results

  • Complement the Italian educational offer providing high-level scientific courses with potential international spillover on on how to deal with future global challenges in the more general context of sustainability and climate change.
  • Contribute to research development in the field of sustainability thanks to the work of the experts and professors which will be gathered in a collection of scientific publications.
  • Stand as a reference point of excellence in the field of international research on sustainability and future global challenges.
  • Create a challenging and international environment towards innovation, enhancing the attractiveness of the regional territory and contributing to its internationalization.

Join the Inauguration of the Future Earth Research School on 13th April 2022

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